Friday, 21 August 2015

Pg. 13 and Pg. 14., What "God, thinks about Relations"

“ I need to tell you about, what GOD thinks about,
Relations between YOU, ME, OTHERS and NATURE ”

Pg 13
    Do you belive in History? Is that all are false stories? How all those people like "Tukaram Maharaj, Sant Namdeo Maharaj, Sant Mirabai, Gautam Buddha, Hazarat Mohammad Paigambar, Sant Dyaneshwar, Sant Muktabai and Jesus Christ," this all "Saints" came on the earth, and we all know about them.
    Do you all think, they were "Saint" from the time of their birth? Definitely not, when they found and saw the "Almighty God," and realized about him, and found his wishes towards "Human Beings and Nature," they turned themselves into "Saint." Here we have to see one more important thing, that they never said any wrong to any other Saint, or any wrong about another culture, why? Because they all knew about "Almighty God," and the God never said, about any difference between Human being and Nature also. These Saints made their voice loud to bring people together and convinced them to pray for "Almighty God."
    Here I have to explain you something about God. The God is a "Param Tatva," which we cannot see with our naked eye, as per "Bhagwat Geeta, Bible and Kuran," this "Param Tatva" is occupied every place and everywhere, even where our eye view cannot reach, this "Param Tatva" has no starting point, and have no end point, also has no joint anywhere. We cannot imagine about him. This is only possible, when you become a follower of "Satguru."

    Nayanam Chindanti Shastrani,  Nayanam Dahati Pavakaha |
    Na Chainam Kledayanty Apo,  Na Sosayati Marutaha ||
The "Param Tatva" cannot be "CUT" by any of Weapon,
The "Param Tatva" cannot be "Burn" by any type of Fire (Explosive),
The "Param Tatva" cannot be "Flow" by any type of Liquid (Water or any Chemical),
The "Param Tatva" cannot be "Blow" by any speed of Air (Pressure).
    It means as per "Bhagwat Geeta," or you can see, it is written, that any type of disaster may take place on the earth or at the "Brahmanda" ("Space"), everything can be ended, but this "Param Tatva" has no end by his "Own Power." One more thing which is most important, I have to add, that is, each of our "Soul," is not different, it is a part of this "Param Tatva."
    You may ask me, how is this? I will give you an example, as if you keep water into hundreds of small vessels, and keep on the ground, open to Moonlight, what will happen? You will find hundreds of Moon, at each of vessel, on the water surface, you will find Moon's "Reflection." It's the same, the "Param Tatva," is everywhere in nature, and we are like "Reflection" of his. But here, actually we all are a part of this "Param Tatva."

Pg 14
     Please, have a look,
“Water,” is a necessity of our life. “Water,” is in stock, or having more availability, it doesn’t mean to waste it. “Water,” we are getting by grace of “God.” But we don’t care, and are getting punished by “Nature” and “God.”
Please Keep it in mind, and tell “Others” also
While, Drinking, Brushing Teeth, Washing Hands, Washing Utensils, Washing Clothes, Having Bath, You or anyone, if keep “Tap of Water” open fully, it means, using more than necessary. As per calculation, it is found, that there is wastage of “Water,” about 400% to 600%.
If we can save that excess water, by using a suitable pot, keep water in it, and can use it. Finally if you check, you will find yourself, you have used 25% of water only. Now if every person, will save water, by the same way. We can use same water for half of the “Maharashtra and India's Agriculture Land,” and we will give helping hand to the “Farmers.” It will help us to get more crops, and reduce price of it. Even “Farmers” wont attempt to suicide.
Will you help for “Maharashtra, and India”? Thank you.
Ashok Yadav.
    It means everybody, whoever is alive on this earth, his "Soul" is a part of "Param Tatva," but we forget about it. How we forget it? Very simple, I already told you before, again I will specify here about it. We forget it because, as soon as you taken birth on this earth, and opened your skinned two eyes, and saw this beautiful world, your beautiful mom, relatives, was making enjoy for your birth, you were losing your memory, and till you become 12 to 16 months old, and watching this beautiful world, different all kinds of colorful toy's to play, your surrounding people, who wants to play with you, and loves you, day by day, you have forgotten completely about "Paramatma," and there was nobody to make you remember about "Paramatma." Here I cannot leave one of the most important things to tell you, the people, every one whom we found as they are related to us, those all from our childhood, are loving and recognized to our "Body" not our "Soul." Now here it becomes much more important is, first we have to recognize ourselves, as we are "Soul," not the body, then only it becomes possible, to recognize other people as they are "Soul," and they are not body. This recognition will help us a lot to make a loss of our "Materialistic and Selfishness.
    So, now, as we previously saw, what the God has stated, about it. Have you forgotten? Let me remind you, the God has stated that "whoever is not having a 'Satguru,' he has to leave his 'Materialistic, Selfishness, Egoistic and Vishaylolupta,' as soon as he will go on trying for this, very soon I will come to know about it, and as fast as he tries to get success on it, I will reach to him hundred times faster as his try, it means if he will come one step towards me, I will take a hundred steps to come closer to him. I will make his path clear, and make possible to reach him up to the 'Satguru.' " This promise is given by God. So now at the previous paragraph, as we had a discussion about how we can make the loss of our "Materialistic and Selfishness." With this start, and help of this, we can make also the loss of our "Egoistic and Vishayloupta." How we can keep always this awareness? Don't worry, I will also explain you that.
    Up till now, whatever I have explained you all, is true. As per my experience, before start to edit this “Website,” I have explained these things personally to many of the people, tried to convince them, and found only a few of them, listened to it properly, and started to go for “Satsang,” but you all my extreme readers, you might not find “Satsang,” near to you. That’s why I have to explain you, all about “Almighty God.”

आपण हीच वेबसाईट “मराठी भाषेत” देखील वाचण्याकरता खालच्या लिंकवर क्लिक करा. You can read the same website in “Marathi Language,” just click on below link.

Dear Readers, Please make Your Comments on same page or end (last) page of this Blog, because your Thoughts and Your Questions are more Important to me and Other Readers also, and I can Answer your Questions on this Blog itself and it will useful to Other Readers also.
Readers, Please I need your Co-Operation.
Ashok Yadav.

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