Friday, 31 July 2015

Pg. 3 and Pg. 4., What "God, thinks about Relations"

“ I need to tell you about, what GOD thinks about,
Relations between YOU, ME, OTHERS and NATURE ”

Pg 03
    We should know about fundamental things, which we should not ignore because it's quite related to you, your family, including your children's life, and further go to see it's related to not only your relatives, your surroundings and Nation, it's also related to Whole World and its Future. Now do you think that how you suffered, let your children also? Can you tell me this kind of important thing which is related to not only your life, it is actually related to everyone who is living on this earth, even Creatures and Entire Nature also. Don't you think this is your responsibility, which you have to handle from your home only, you don't need to go elsewhere. It can be done from your home only. I think and I am sure that you will not deny for it.
    I think, you are confused because I am telling you all this on fast track, which I should not. You are right, so I will explain you what is the way.
    At the 13th paragraph, page 2nd, I have given you a Historical Example of Gautam Buddha and start on this subject at 1st paragraph given an example of newly born baby and his activity. Why a baby first recognizes his own mother, neither any other human being nor any other attractive materialistic thing, example a beautiful toy. Why? And here is the answer for it.
    Now we have to go a little deep on this subject that where was the Soul of the baby before coming into the mother's womb and before his father's sperms? Yes, we all will say that baby's soul was with Almighty God. And that's right, now you can think better, as when the baby's soul was in his mother's womb, he was not recognizing the Almighty God? Now the simple answer comes out, yes, he was. Now may you can ask me, How I make this statement? Very simple logic and simple answer is how and why a newborn baby after birth without seeing the mother's face is known to her warm body and her voice. As same before coming to earth he was with Almighty God for a long time, must be more than 9 months or years. Now you can think, when a baby was in his mother's womb for 9 months, he knows his mother well, even without looking at her face, then how he will forget Almighty God when he was in his mother's womb? So here it becomes true that he was known about the Almighty God. Now you will also admit it.
    Now we all are agree that, Yes, a baby was known to Almighty God. Now here another question arises that how the baby has forgotten Almighty God?

Pg 04
    For this question to get answer of it, we have referred Hindu's PURAN, because this PURAN's (many Holi Books) has history earlier than the start of Isa Century, and reference is given in their Holy Books (which are still available) has written that there is FOUR YUGA'S sent by Almighty God on the earth. Now here we have to know more, about what is YUGA?
    YUGA, means each Yuga has several years, as some thousands of year period is called Yuga, This kind of Three Yuga Almighty God have sent before on this earth, and now the last Yuga is running on this earth is called as "KALIYUGA". Now we will see what has been explained about previous Yuga's and running Yuga at the PURANA's.
    The "FOUR YUGA" came on Earth as:
    1.   "SATYA YUGA"
    2.   "TRETA YUGA"
    3.   "DWAPAR YUGA"
    4.   "KALI YUGA"
You can find more details from below link about all Yuga.

    Now we will see about "KALI" Yuga, why we are seeking this Yuga first? Because now, on the earth as per Hindu Puran "Kali" Yuga is running, I will explain you in another Subject (Book) all about previous passed three Yuga.
    At the ending of "DWAPAR" Yuga, and the time Next Yuga was supposed to start on the earth, it was known by Almighty God, that this Yuga is last on the earth, and so he himself made this arrangement of "KALI" (a Spirit) to send on earth, to see how the people will act towards God, Humanity, Children, Elderlies and Sick people, and to see how many people are getting success within the "KALI"s power and his impact.
    Here I have referred Hindu's Puran, a Holi book name "Guru Charitra", here in this book explained all about "KALI."

आपण हीच वेबसाईट “मराठी भाषेत” देखील वाचण्याकरता खालच्या लिंकवर क्लिक करा. You can read the same website in “Marathi Language,” just click on below link.

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Readers, Please I need your Co-Operation.
Ashok Yadav.